Seascape - Strawberry Bare Root Plant

Bulk Pricing Tier
QuantityPrice 25 to 49 $2.49 each 50 to 99 $2.29 each 100 to 499 $1.49 each 500 to 999 $0.49 each 1000 to 4999 $0.47 each 5000 or More $0.44 each





Growth and vegetation:

Vegetative growth of medium vigor. Will benefit from a good winter protection for a second year crop. Powdery mildew and spider mite susceptibility.

Harvest and yield:

Day neutral reference for harvest curve in Eastern Canada. Bear an early crop of large size berries. Size will drop rapidly. Possible gap between second flush in mid-July.


Berries are firm and glossy with a balance taste between acid and sugar. Render an excellent taste late in the summer when nights are cooling down. Good shelf life with a tendency to darken. Will be damaged by rain.