5 Monitoring Steps

Implementation of the germplasm bank :
Since 2011, clonal verification trials have been added to our selection protocols of mother plants. This protocol includes genetic conformity assesment and fruit yield evaluation. Virus detection ( ELISA, RT-PCR et Indexing) is not only done to the mother plant stage, but also to the elite stage just before nursery planting.

Exclusion and isolation :
As early 2013 Luc Lareault nursery destroyed on a volontary basis a portion of it’s yield to create a rupture in it’s supply, and start with plant material verified and tested. We increased the isolation radius of the nursery of many kilometers with a volontary destruction agreement of fruit growing locations, neighborhing the nursery. Also, we increased our isolation distances between the different stages of plants to implement security.

Vector Control :
Phytosanitary controls of vectors were doubled in frequency for systemic products and foliar products. Monitoring of pests has been reviewed and increased to three visits per week, with a special care in fall and spring seasons.

Virus testings :
We introduced in our production protocol, two virus tests for SMYEV (Strawberry mild yellow edge virus) and SMOV (Strawberry mottle virus). Tests were added at the end of each propagation cycle : foundation block and certified. That means that your plants are tested twice before shipping. Each test is performed by two independant laboratories (MAPAQ and Private laboratory).

Thresholds levels :
Our thresholds levels have been established following discussions and meetings with Canadian and American research scientists. We have compare our methods with Californian and European nurseries to elaborate a protocol that minimizes the risk for fruit growers who respect the state of the art fruit production methods.