Mid-season strawberry plants

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Mid-season strawberry plants

1-10 of 10 item(s)

Showing 1-10 of 10 item(s)

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Yield & quality

Mid-season to late variety, with very good hardiness and very good productivity. Very, very large, shiny, flavourful and elongated berries.

Erect growth with deep green foliage. Medium to good runnering. Good tolerance to foliar diseases.

Very, very  large fruits!!!

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AC St-Pierre

Mid-to-late season variety, very good hardiness and good productivity. Very good size fruit, with good firmness and medium red colour. Excellent variety for its lasting freshness, ideal for the fresh market.

High preservation for the fresh market

Patented variety

« AC » is an official trademark used to a license granted by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada.

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A mid-to-late season variety with good hardiness and very good productivity. The strawberries have very good size, good firmness, bright red colour with average taste. Interesting variety if looking for a bigger size fruit.

Interesting variety for its size

Patented variety

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A mid-season variety with good hardiness and good productivity. Good size fruit. At maturity, color and ripening are not uniform. Sensitivity to Sinbar and to root diseases.

Good for fresh markets

Patented varieties

Adapted to organic growing

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A mid-season variety with good hardiness and productivity. The strawberries have excellent size, very good firmness, bright red glossy color with a good flavor. Good fresh market variety with attractive fruit.

The most cultivated variety for the fresh market

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NEW! This big, beautiful, and wonderfully tasty treasure is aptly named 'Keepsake'!

  • Growth and vegetation: Hardy, medium green plants that exhibit good disease resistance to anthracnose fruit rot.

  • Harvest and yield: Mid-season harvest that consistently provides competive yields and low field decay.

  • Berries: Medium to large, juicy berries with outstanding flavour and a very pleasant, firm texture. Excellent shelf life that stores well in refrigeration.

Ideal for wholesale and retail market!

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A mid-season variety with very good hardiness and productivity. The strawberries have very good size, very good firmness, bright red color with a good flavor. Susceptible to leaf spots and very susceptible to Sinbar.

Variety for the fresh market

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A mid-season variety with good hardiness and good productivity. Good size fruit. At maturity, color and ripening are not uniform.

Sensitivity to Sinbar and to root diseases.

Good for fresh markets

Patented varieties

Adapted to organic growing